Since 2016, we have been serving millions of users helping them to get the best bargain in groceries spending. We were pioneer to extract retail promotion catalogs across major retailers in our website,
Then in 2018, we started to build an analytics product to facilitate our CPG Clients’ analysts to gain deeper insight into their promo metrics against their competitors in Indonesia.
Join us to contribute to millions of our users and deliver high quality innovative solutions to our CPG enterprise clients!
Please submit your CV and portofolio to
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Bachelor's degree, Informatics
graduated in 2019
"I gained valuable experiences as a web developer because of the opportunity to work using the latest technology like ReactJS and CI/CD. I'm really grateful for the working experience, and learned a lot because I worked with very kind and supportive people here."
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Bachelor's degree, Informatics
graduated in 2020
"Banyak hal baru yang dipelajari yang tentunya bermanfaat dan menambah pengalaman. Dukungan dan bimbingan yang diberikan juga sangat membantu menggali potensi saya"
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Bachelor's degree, Informatics
graduated in 2018
"Pengalaman saya part time di edaun menurut saya pengalaman terbaik. Saya bisa banyak belajar mengenai teknologi baru dan terutama best practice menjadi developer. Yang paling berkesan bagi saya terutama bagaimana saya perlu menerapkan CI/CD, saya perlu belajar membuat code quality yang bagus dan memiliki standart yang baik. Saya yakin pengalaman ini akan memberikan manfaat terutama meningkatkan skill dalam pemrograman atau membuat software."
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Bachelor's degree, Informatics
graduated in 2019
"I worked as full stack engineer part time here. I learned how to develop a product from scratch using ReactJS and NodeJS and deliver it using docker and CI/CD. Every week we also have a progress report meeting and the C levels always help us if we have difficulties in our work. I am really grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of eDaun family :)"